Get ahead by improving your skills
Customer Service Essentials
Everybody needs to know how to deal with customers in a way that will enhance relationships and improve their business. This course will ensure that the learner recognises the value of customer care standards – to maintain and improve communication with internal and external customers.
Quality service determines whether customers purchase or not.
Date: 8 June
Venue: Keybase House Benoni
Cost: R2200.00
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Business Etiquette – Telephone and Office Skills
Content covered includes workplace expectations and acceptable behaviors: appropriate business dress and grooming, verbal communication, telephone skills, time management, and general professional deportment. This course will equip office professionals with skills they need to make their job easier and more fulfilling.
Date: 11 & 12 June
Venue: Keybase House Benoni
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Problem Solving and Decision Making
Turning Problems into Solutions is a must for everyone or organisation. Once you have attended this course, you’ll want everyone in your company to do the same. For every problem, there exists a solution…and at the very least…an opportunity.
Date: 18 & 19 June
Venue: Keybase House Benoni
Cost: R4700.00
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Coaching and Mentoring
Supporting the development of individuals and teams in your organisation is vital. Why not enhance your coaching and mentoring skills with this two-day course, designed to give you an understanding of the nature and benefits of workplace coaching. You’ll learn ways to facilitate a learning relationship while you gain the skills to implement, monitor and review coaching and mentoring programs.
Date: 20 & 21 June
Venue: Keybase House Benoni
Cost: R4300.00
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Diversity in the Workplace
As our nation and workforce become more diverse, Organisations need to educate employees to successfully encompass people of different backgrounds. The main aim of Diversity training is to create a positive work environment, increase the participants cultural awareness, knowledge and communication.
Date: 20 & 21 June
Venue: Keybase House Benoni
Cost: R4700.00
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Conflict Resolution
Managing and Resolving Conflict in a Positive Way
Conflict is a normal, and even healthy, part of life. Since conflict is inevitable,learning to deal with it in a healthy way is crucial. When conflict is mismanaged, it can cause harm, but when handled in a respectful and positive way, it provides an opportunity for growth.
Date: 27 & 28 June
Venue: Keybase House Benoni
Cost: R4700.00
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Report Writing
Professional business people are expected to report on activities, work done, projects, accidents, information gathered and results of an investigation. Important decisions are made according to the results of these reports. Therefore, it is imperative that delegates learn how to write effective reports.
Date: 2 & 3 July
Venue: Keybase House Benoni
Cost: R4700.00
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Time and Stress Management
This course explores time and stress factors. Participants examine how they are spending their time each day, brainstorm ways to improve time-management and cope with stress.
Date: 4 & 5 July
Venue: Keybase House Benoni
Cost: R4700.00